by Alexander Burton inCornwall: In the Know

Wild Swimming in Cornwall

Saltwater Swimming
During these warm months, windows are open to tempt a breeze and here at Cornish Holiday Cottages we are looking at creative ways to keep cool. Recent talk of the health benefits of wild swimming has brought about a new appreciation for our closeness to beautiful bodies of water. It seems strange to call it ‘wild swimming’, when for so many of us living in the Falmouth and Helford river area it’s simply ‘swimming’. Such is the way of life here in Cornwall, that it is routine to take to the ocean before or after work, during lunchbreaks, or when really you just meant to exercise the dog.

To be in the water is to be untethered. Phone, wallet and keys left on the shore allow a rare opportunity to simply be.

We can only tell you of the incredible feeling swimming in open water brings and urges you to be brave. After that initial chill, you’ll find your muscles soothed, circulation increased, your mind clear and your soul revitalised. Below are a few of our recommendations for our favourite ‘wild swimming’ spots in Cornwall.

1. Gyllyngvase Beach, Falmouth

At first light on Gyllyngvase Beach, you’ll see swimmers of all ages taking to the water before work or school. The bravest of the bunch swim all year round, even through the depths of winter. Some swim for companionship, others are solitary swimmers having a moment of escape. Gyllyngvase Beach offers safety in the water with an RNLI lifeguard during the summer months.  Go as early as you can for maximum atmosphere.

2. Grebe Beach, Helford River

The Helford River provides many a sheltered spot for swimming and its branching topography results in places for the water to reach warm temperatures. Grebe Beach close to Durgan holds a special place in many of our hearts. A favourite for a sundowner BBQ and a swim of an evening.

3. Maenporth, Near Falmouth

Maenporth Beach with its golden sands is perfectly positioned to catch the very best of the sunlight rising over the horizon in the morning. Or with the Maen Valley behind creating the perfect channel for the evening sun to filter through, there are few places better than here for sheltered swimming in the ocean.

4. Castle Beach, Falmouth

For a peaceful dip within walking distance from your holiday home in Falmouth, the little coves to the left of Castle Beach are perfection. Facing south to allow you to bask in sunlight after you exit the water.

5. Nansidwell Beach, Mawnan Smith

At high tide here the unique landscape creates calm, clear shallow waters (apart from in an easterly) and wonderful views over to Falmouth, with the lighthouse of St Anthony Head visible on the horizon.

The beach opposite Pedn Billy Boathouse is ideal for wild swimming

As with any outdoor activity, do make sure you are safe while you enjoy your wild moment with nature…

Holiday cottages available to rent from us here at Cornish Holiday Cottages which are perfect for a wild swimming holiday in Cornwall are

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