by Melanie Dixon-Phillip inNews

Work Experience Week: Meet Iris

Guest post
Hello my name is Iris and I have been at Cornish Holiday Cottages for a week doing my work experience. It has been very interesting and a new experience for me; going on photo shoots and researching new ideas. I have recently been interested in interior design and thought this company would be a good start to a possible future career.


Monday: On Monday I got a taste of what the company does. In the morning Emily asked me to make a list of my ideas about two properties they let. I decided which colours and props I liked and disliked in both properties and wrote down any changes and improvements I thought would be necessary. It was a good opportunity for me to analyse a property and list some ideas of my own. Later that day I had a look on other letting businesses and what their photos looked like for their properties to see if I liked their style.


Tuesday: On Tuesday I visited a property near Maenporth called Tregullow. The views here were amazing. You could see right across the bay with the sun beaming down on the water. It was magical. In the house Becca and I did a shoot of the rooms to replace the old photos on the website. I really enjoyed setting the table and moving objects around to create a style that’s fit for the clients and customers. When we finished I wrote a quick shopping list for the upcoming photo shoots later on in the week.


Wednesday: On Wednesday I went to a photo shoot at ‘Treviades Melyn’ with my supervisor Emily and the photographer Anthony Greenwood. Here I learnt how long it actually takes to get a perfect photo of one room. It was worth it in the end. All the pictures were great and really captured the essence of the house and made it feel very welcoming. My job was to decide the throws and flowers that went into each room and I helped lay the kitchen table with food, plates, drinks and more.  It was really interesting learning how you see outside a window in a photo. You have to take many pictures gradually getting darker to allow you to see out the window. Then you merge all the photos together to create one perfect photo with all the correct lighting and exposures.


Thursday: On Thursday we finished the shoot at Treviades Melyn and then moved onto the next property, Calamansac West Wing. This property sits on fifty acres of land including a private beach and ancient woodland. The house itself is a great building with many facilities. The shoot went really well and we got it done in time. All rooms were easy to work with and we got some great shots. Plus, I got to eat some of the food we used on the kitchen table after we took the photos which was a bonus!


Friday: Today I am writing this blog to put on the website and so far I think it sounds okay. This week has been a great experience and I wouldn’t have gone anywhere else. All the staff are lovely and looked after me really well. The business in general is very welcoming. So thanks to everyone at the Cornish Holiday Cottages for having me and trying so hard to make this week enjoyable. I have had a great time and I’ve learnt so much in the last week.

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